Part A:
Gametogenesis & Meiosis

● Answer questions 1-3 in Part A of the Lab Report.
● Match the words in the list given here with the definitions in the Lab Report.

List of words
Germ Cell
Gonial stage
Gonotid stage
Primary gonocyte stage
Primordial germ cell
Secondary gonocyte stage

Part B:
Spermatogenesis & the Testes

• Obtain a rat testis slide.
• Observe the slide with the scanning objective lens.
• In the space provided in the Lab Report diagram the rat testis and clearly label the structures listed in the Lab Report in your diagram.
• Use the High-power objective lens to focus on one of the Seminiferous tubules. In the space provided in the Lab Report diagram and label the structures listed in the Lab Report.
• (NOTE – if you cannot locate one of the listed structures scan around until you find it)
• Answer the remaining questions in Part B of the Lab Report.
• Match the words in the list given here with the definitions in the Lab Report

Word list
Leydig cell
Primary spermatocyte 
Secondary spermatocyte
Seminiferous tubules
Sertoli cells
Tunic albuginea

Part C:
Oogenesis & the Ovary

• Obtain a rat ovary slide.
• Observe the slide with the scanning objective lens.
• In the space provided in the lab manual diagram the rat ovary and label the structures listed in the Lab Manual.
• Use the High-power objective lens to locate each of the types of follicles there is a space to diagram in the Lab Manual.
• Use the terms on given in the Lab Manual to appropriately label the parts of each follicle (NOTE – you will have to scan around the ovary to find each of the different types of follicles)
• (NOTE – if you cannot locate one of the listed structures scan around on the slide until you find it).
• Answer the remaining questions in Part C of the Lab Report.
Match the words in the list given here with the definitions in the Lab Report

Word list
Atretic follicle
Corona radiata
Corpus luteum
Graafian follicle
Liquor folliculi
Polar bodies
Primary follicle
Primary oocyte
Primordial follicle
secondary follicle
Secodary oocyte
Zona pellucida

Part D:
Karyotype and Meiosis

Using the “Cell” you have been provided with in lab spread the “chromosomes” out and create a Karyotype by finding the homologous chromosomes and arranging them from the longest chromosome (this will be chromosome 1) to the shortest chromosome. This is the way that our chromosomes have been assigned numbers too.
Upload the image of your Karyotype in the appropriate place in the Google form and answer questions 76-78.
Now that you have paired all the homologous chromosomes you have then ready to mimic Meiosis 1.
Rearrange your chromosomes to mimic how they would appear during metaphase 1.
Upload the image of your chromosomes during metaphase 1 in the appropriate place in the Google form and answer questions 79-83.
Now complete meiosis 1 by separating the homologous pairs of chromosomes into 2different cells.
Upload the image of your cells after they have completed meiosis 1 and answer questions 84-88.
Now arrange the chromosomes as they would appear during metaphase 2.
Upload the image of your cells during metaphase 2 and answer questions 89-90.
Now complete meiosis 2 by separating the sister chromatids.
Upload your image of the cells that have completed meiosis 2 and answer questions 91-94.
Now let’s see what would happen if there was a problem during meiosis 1. Put all your chromosomes back together (reunite the sister chromatids). Arrange them again so they appear as they did during Metaphase 1 and separate all the homologous pairs of chromosomes EXCEPT the smallest pairs. Keep them together in one of the 2 new cells.
Upload the new image of your cell after completing this Meiosis 1 and answer questions 95-97.
Now complete Meiosis 2 again for each of these cells by separating the sister chromatids.
Upload your new image of the cell after completing Meiosis 2 and answer questions 98-101.

After you have submitted your Lab Report Via Google please go to Blackboard, select the Lab for this week and the "Grading Rubric" . Then select "Write Submission" and type in "I have submitted my Lab Report Via Google docs"
This will allow me to enter a grade that you can see on Blackboard in your grade book for each lab.