Part A:
Gametogenesis & Meiosis

● Answer questions 1-3 in Part A of the Lab Report.
● Match the words in the list given here with the definitions in the Lab Report.

List of words
Germ Cell
Gonial stage
Gonotid stage
Primary gonocyte stage
Primordial germ cell
Secondary gonocyte stage

Part B:
Spermatogenesis & the Testes

● Answer questions 15-17 in Part B of the Lab Report.
● Use Figures 2.3 and 2.4 in the Lab 2 reading and the images on these two slides to answer questions 18 - 29 in Part B of the Lab Report.
● Use the black arrow to move from one image to the next.

A is pointing to the basal surface of the seminiferous tubule.
B is pointing to a columnar cell with and irregular shaped, light staining nucleus.
C is pointing to the space in the center of the seminiferous tubule.
D is point to cells between seminiferous tubules.
E is point to the tube-like structure containing sperm in various stages of development.
F is pointing to a tube that either carries nutrient to, or removes waste from the cells in this area.
A is pointing to a columnar cell that expends from the basement membrane to the lumen. 
B is pointing to a small diploid cell nearest the basement membrane.
C is pointing to a larger haploid cell above B.
D is pointing to a haploid cell that is 1/2 the size of the primary spermatocyte.
E is pointing to haploid cells that are nearer the lumen and 1/4 the size of the primary spermatocyte.
F is pointing to a haploid cell nearest the lumen with a long tail.

● Match the words in the list given here with the definitions in the Lab Report

Word list
Leydig cell
Primary spermatocyte 
Secondary spermatocyte
Seminiferous tubules
Sertoli cells
Tunic albuginea

Part C:
Oogenesis & the Ovary

● Answer questions 41 - 44 in Part C of the Lab Report.
● Use Figures 2.6, 2.7 and 2.8 in the Lab 2 reading and the images on the slides below to answer questions 45 - 61 in Part C of the Lab Report.
● Use the black arrow to move from one image to the next.

A is pointing to the is at narrow end of the ovary.
B is pointing to am oocyte that has grown and is surrounded by cells that become cuboidal and/ or columnar and increase in number.
C is pointing to a large diploid germ cell that will grow and undergo meiosis 1
D is pointing to a tube-like structure that carries oxygen and nutrients into the ovary
E is pointing to an outer layer of connective tissue.
F is pointing to a follicle in which a space, called the Antrum, first appears 
G is pointing to a layer of follicle cells immediately surrounding the oocyte
H is pointing to a large follicle that contains a large amount of fluid.
I is pointing to the remenats of a follicle that looks collapsed with folding edges and are very large.
A is pointing to a layer of cells surrounding and supporting the developing oocyte.
B is pointing to a fluid filled space in the mature follicle.
C is pointing to a layer of follicle cells surrounding the oocyte.
D is pointing to a layer of follicle cells immediately surrounding the oocyte.
E is pointing to the outer layer of mature cells that has coalesce around the follicle.
F is pointing to the inner layer of mature cells that has coalesce around the follicle.
G is pointing to germ cell surrounded by follicle cells.
H is pointing to a translucent area surrounding the oocyte.

● Match the words in the list given here with the definitions in the Lab Report.

Word list
Atretic follicle
Corona radiata
Corpus luteum
Graafian follicle
Liquor folliculi
Polar bodies
Primary follicle
Primary oocyte
Primordial follicle
secondary follicle
Secodary oocyte
Zona pellucida

● Use the link below to create a karyotype.
● You will need to download the Power Point and drag and drop the chromosomes into their correct place to create a karyotype for a diploid organism with 16 chromosomes.
NOTE - do not go into slide mode. If you do you will not be able to drag and drop the chromosomes.
● Once you have dragged and dropped the chromosomes into the correct location you will need to take a screen shot of the Karyotype and upload it in the proper place in the Lab Report.

Click here to download the Karyotype activity

After you have submitted your Lab Report Via Google please go to Blackboard, select the Lab for this week and the "Grading Rubric" . Then select "Write Submission" and type in "I have submitted my Lab Report Via Google docs"
This will allow me to enter a grade that you can see on Blackboard in your grade book for each lab.