Part A:

● Answer the questions in Part A of the Lab Report

Part B:
Observing freshly spawned eggs

● Answer questions 7-11 in Part B of the Lab Report
● Use Figure 3.3 in Lab 3 reading and the images on the slides below to answer the remaining question in Part B of the Lab Report.
Use the black arrow to move from one image to the next.

Image A shows an egg with a large nucleus. Image B shows an egg with a small nucleus.
Image show a total of 16 eggs. & of the eggs have a large nucleus while  9 have a small nucleus.

Part C:
Observing Fertilization

● Answer questions 18 - 24 in Part C of the Lab Report.
● Use the video below to watch fertilization happen and answer question 25 in Part C of the Lab Report.
● The egg at the top of the field of view in this video is already fertilized when the video starts (you can see the fertilization envelope already appears as a halo surrounding that egg).
Look at the egg to the lower left of the fertilized egg to calculate how long it takes for the fertilization envelope to rise. in the egg.

Click Here to watch Video: Observing Fertilization

● Use Figure 3.4 and 3.5 in Lab 3 reading and the three images on the slides below to answer the remaining questions in Part C of the Lab Report
● Use the black arrow to move from one image to the next.

Image A has a small nucleus and no visible halo surrounding it. Image B is an egg with no visible nucleus and is surrounded by a halo
A is pointing to the layer immediately surrounding the cytoplasm of the egg. B is pointing to the outer layer surrounding the fertilized egg. C is pointing to a bump in the outer layer. D is pointing to the space between A and B
There are a total of 16 eggs. 9 of these eggs have no visible nucleus and are surrounded by a halo while 7 have a large nucleus and are not surrounded by a halo.

NOTE - These are the same eggs you looked at in Part B of the lab. A drop of sperm was added to that slide to get this image

Part D:
Interfering with Fertilization

● Answer questions 37 in Part D of the Lab Manual.
● Use the images on the slides below to answer the remainder of the questions in Part D of the Lab Report.
● Use the black arrow to move from one image to the next.

There are a total of 21 eggs. 3 of the eggs have a large nucleus and no visible halo while 18 have a small nucleus and no halo.
There are a total of 20 eggs. 4 have a large nucleus and no halo, 2 have a small nucleus and no halo and 14 have no visible nucleus and are surrounded by a halo.

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