Part A: Results from Lab 4

Table to fill in with data collected during lab.

● Complete the table by placing your data from last week into the 0 hrs columns and the data you collect today into the 7 days column.
● Select a 0.1 ml sample from each plate. Count the number of eggs and the number of adult brine shrimp present in each sample now (7 days).
● Determine the density of adult brine shrimp.
● Determine the percent hatched by dividing the density of adult brine shrimp at day 7 by the density of eggs at 0 hours.  (Questions 1-24).
● Graph the the % hatched on the y-axis and the conditions on the x-axis using the graph paper provided in the pdf of the lab report. Upload this graph in the proper place when submitting the lab report.
● Answer the remaining questions in this section of the lab report.

Part B: Introduction

• Match the words and with their definitions in Part B of the Lab Report.

Part C: Normal Development

• Look at slides and models and become familiar with the different stages of development.
• Take Pictures and label each stage in the space provided.
• Upload these labeled images in the proper place in Part C of the Lab Report.
• Look at live frog eggs and determine the stage they are at.
• Diagram and label them in the space provided in the lab report.

Part D: Environmental Factors affecting amphibian development

•  Each group of students will be assigned a pH to place a set of frog eggs in.
• Make a solution of water for your assigned pH (pH 4 or 5)
• Also prepare a pH 7 solution as a control. The water provided should be at or near pH 7 and should not need adjusting.
• Label 2 water dishes with your group name and the pH in that bowl.
• As evenly as possible place the same number of frog eggs in the water dishes at each pH.
• We will check to see how many hatch and develop into normal tadpoles next week.
• Answer the questions in Part C of the Lab Report.