Part A: Brine Shrimp Development

• Answer questions in Part A of the Lab Report.

Part B: Effects of Alcohol on Hatching of Brine Shrimp

• Use the images on these slides to fill in the table in your lab Report (correspond to questions 11-34)
• You will be quantifying the results by sampling a small volume of four culture plates at 2 time points.
• You will analyze data at 0 hours and at 1 week (7 days).
• The images represent a 0.1ml sample from each dish that was placed on a slide and viewed with a dissecting scope.
• For the 0 hour time point you need count the number of eggs and determine the density of the eggs (if there are X number of eggs in 0.1 ml how many are in 1 ml? - just divide the number of eggs by 0.1ml).
• At the 7 day time point you need to count the number of eggs and the number that hatched and are now adults. Then determine the density of the hatched shrimp (same way you determined the density of eggs at 0 hours). Then calculate the percent of the eggs from 0 hours that had hatched by day 7 (divide the density hatched on day 7 by the density of eggs at 0 hours and multiply by 100).

Plate 1, Control plate (0% alcohol)  at 0 hours contains 28 dark oval eggs and no hatched brine shrimp.
This is a 0.1 mL sample.
Plate 2  (0.05% alcohol)  at 0 hours contains 32 dark oval eggs and no hatched brine shrimp.
This is a 0.1 mL sample.
Plate 3 (0.10% alcohol)  at 0 hours contains 29 dark oval eggs and no hatched brine shrimp.
This is a 0.1 mL sample.
Plate 4 (0.25% alcohol)  at 0 hours contains 32 dark oval eggs and no hatched brine shrimp.
This is a 0.1 mL sample.
Plate 1 Control plate (0% alcohol)  at 1 week contains 0 dark oval eggs and 28 hatched brine shrimp.
This is a 0.1 mL sample.
Plate 2 Control plate (0.05% alcohol)  at 1 week contains 2 dark oval eggs and 30 hatched brine shrimp.
This is a 0.1 mL sample.
Plate 3 Control plate (0.10% alcohol)  at 1 week contains 6 dark oval eggs and 23 hatched brine shrimp.
This is a 0.1 mL sample.
Plate 4 Control plate (0.25% alcohol)  at 1 week contains 15 dark oval eggs and 17 hatched brine shrimp.
This is a 0.1 mL sample.

After you have submitted your Lab Report Via Google please go to Blackboard, select the Lab for this week and the "Grading Rubric" . Then select "Write Submission" and type in "I have submitted my Lab Report Via Google docs"
This will allow me to enter a grade that you can see on Blackboard in your grade book for each lab.