Part A:The Egg & Extra-embryonic Membranes

•  Answer questions 1- 3 in Part A of the Lab Report.
• Use Figures 6.3 and 6.4 in the Lab 6 reading and the images on the slides below to answer 4-30 in Part A of the Lab Report.

Egg in hot water, Bubbles are forming on the eggs surface and rising to the top.
Egg shell on a balance. The mass on the balance reads 6.72 grams
A diagram of a chick egg with leader lines pointing to structures to identify.
A is pointing to the outer most layer containing 3 layers, the cuticle, spongy and mammillary layers.
B is pointing to a membrane just inside the shell. This is the outer of the 2 membranes that provide protection from drying out and from invasion by microbes.
C is pointing to the membrane just below B. This is the inner of the 2 membranes that provide protection from drying out and from invasion by microbes.
D is pointing to the long cordlike structure.
E is pointing to the thinner watery substance that surrounds the yolk. 
F is pointing to the thicker watery substance that surrounds the yolk.
G is pointing to the membrane that surrounds the yolk.
H is pointing to the outer lighter layer of the substance that provides nutrients to the embryo.
I is pointing to the small puddle of cytoplasm that sits on top of the yolk that will become the chick.
J is pointing to the darker yellow area surrounded by the yolk cell membrane.
K is pointing to the inner layer of the substance that provides nutrients to the embryo.
L is pointing to the layer surrounding the yolk cell membrane.
M is pointing to the short cordlike structure. 
N is pointing to the area at the blunt end that forms between the inner and outer shell membranes.
O is pointing to the outer most of shell layers. This layer was wet and slippery before the egg as the egg was laid.
An image of a cracked egg. The image shows the yellow yolk floating on top of the white albumen.

• Use the list of words below to match them to their correct definition to complete the questions in part A of the Lab Report.

A list of words. The following words appear on the list
Amniote egg
Cuticular membrane
Macrolecithal egg
Mammillary layer
Shell membranes
Spongy layer
Vitelline envelope
Yolk sac

Part B: Cleavage and Gastrulation

• Answer questions 49 - 55 in Part B of the Lab Report.
• Use the list of words below to match them to their correct definition to complete the questions in Part B of the Lab Report.

A list of words. The list reads:
Area vasculosa
Area vitelline
Hensen's node
Primitive streak

Part C: 24 Hour Chick Embryo

• Answer questions 62 - 64 in Part C of the Lab Report.
• Use Figure 6.8 in Lab 6 reading and the image below to answer the remaining questions in Part C of the Lab Report.

A diagram of a chick 24-hour chick embryo with leader lines pointing to structures to identify.
A is pointing to the most anterior brain structure.
B is pointing to the structure medial to the head folds that will converge and fuse at the midline to form the neural tube.
C is pointing to the structure between the two rows of somites in the midline underneath the neural ectoderm.
D is pointing to a linear band of thickened epiblast at the posterior end of the embryo.
E is pointing to the anterior tip of the embryo where the neural plate does not close completely.
 F is pointing to the blocks of tissue that will form the axial skeleton, muscles of axial skeleton and limbs and the dermis.
G is pointing to a group of cells anterior to the primitive streak.

Part D:
The Central Nervous System

List of words:
Anterior choroid plexus
Optic cup
Pineal gland
Pituitary gland

· Answer questions in Part D of the Lab Report.
· Match the words in the list given here and in Part D of the Lab Manual with the definitions in the Lab Report.

Part E:
Development of the Cardiovascular System

· Answer the question in Part E of the Lab Report

Part F:
Formation of Gut and other Structures

· Answer the questions in Part F of the Lab Report.

Part G:
Experiment: Effects of chemicals on the Heart Rate

· Observe the 48 hour chick embryo in this video and determine the number heart beats did you count in 30 seconds and calculate the number of beats per minute.

Click here to watch 48- Hour chick embryo video

· Use the Table below to calculate the average beats per minute (bpm) for each substance applied to the chick embryo and to answer the remaining questions in Part G of the Lab Report.

Table show the heart rate for 1mg/ml of caffeine for Trial 1 is 53 bpm, for Trial 2 it is 55 bpm and for Trial 3 it is 58 bpm. You need to calculate the average bpm to answer question 67. Table also shows the heart rate for 0.1% ethanol for Trial 1 is 28 bpm, for Trial 2 it is 40 bpm and for Trial 3 it is 38 bpm. You need to calculate the average bpm to answer question 68.

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