Part A:
33-Hour Chick Embryo

• Obtain a 33-hour chick whole mount and answer the questions in Part A of the.

Part B:
Experiment: Effects of chemicals on the Heart Rate

• Observe the 48 hour chick embryo in this video and determine the number heart beats did you count in 30 seconds and calculate the number of beats per minute.

Click here to watch 48- Hour chick embryo video

• Use the Table in the lab report to calculate the average beats per minute (bpm) for each substance applied to the chick embryo and to answer the remaining questions in Part b of the Lab Report.

Part C:
The Central Nervous System

• Answer questions in Part C of the Lab Report.

Part D:
The Cardiovascular System

• Answer questions in Part D of the Lab Report.

Part E:
Formation Other Structures

• Answer questions in Part E of the Lab Report.